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Global Warming Can Be Fun

Saving the planet one game at a time.

About the author

Hiking Mt. Washington That’s me. It’s supposed to have that rugged outdoorsy “he’s hiking in snow with a T-shirt on” sort of look. It goes well with a page about global warming. That photo was taken on a rainy day in June 2006 near the top of Mt. Washington in New Hampshire.

I do actually enjoy hiking and cycling and running and skiing, and I’ll try most anything else that’s moderately strenuous, especially if it challenges me either psychologically or physically (rock climbing, anyone?).

I’m here because I’m a game developer. I happen to believe that games are one of the most effective ways we have to teach complex concepts. And global warming is nothing if not complex. Please, poke around, see what’s going on, and talk to me if you have questions. I need to hear feedback.

If you want to email me directly, please send it to kent_quirk at cognitoy.com.

Sometimes (if I’m speaking, for example) it’s necessary to write about myself in the third person. When I have to, I write something like this:

Kent Quirk is a software architect, game designer and entrepreneur. His areas of expertise include experimental user interface design, software engineering, computer game development, and programming languages. With 25 years of software development experience, he has been working in the areas of computer games and educational software since the mid-1990s. As the founder and CTO of CogniToy, he led the development of the robot programming game . From 2003-2006, he was the software architect of Cosmic Blobs, which is 3D graphics software for kids (and ) developed and published by SolidWorks.

He is now in the early stages of creating a new “serious” game about global warming.