WordPress database error: [Table 'cognitoy_com_blog.wp_comments' doesn't exist]
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_approved='spam' AND comment_author_IP=''

WordPress database error: [Table 'cognitoy_com_blog.wp_comments' doesn't exist]
select a.ID as ID, max(b.comment_date_gmt) as LastCommentTime from wp_posts a inner join wp_comments b on a.ID = b.comment_post_id where (a.comment_status = 'open' or a.ping_status = 'open') and b.comment_approved='1' and a.ID >= 45 and a.ID <= 47 group by a.ID

Global Warming Can Be Fun

Saving the planet one game at a time.

Archive for 2007/02

She looks better in a spacesuit.

I met her at the Wired Next Fest.
Imagine my surprise.
This is funny, weird, and sad, all at once. Click the pic for the full image.

Finally, some real competition

Damn, Skippy. This post was a double surprise.
First, I hadn’t seen the news about the BBC game about global warming yet. It’s better than I thought it would be at first glance, but it’s also kind of predictable, and I found the gameplay to be fairly stilted. Although it seemed like they had the elements […]

Can we PLEASE stop saying there’s a “debate” now?

The IPCC report on climate change has been released, and it’s absolutely clear. Even the professional scientists who typically couch their words in lots of conditionals were as blunt as they ever get:

“The public should not sit back and say ‘There’s nothing we can do’,” said Achim Steiner, the executive director of the U.N. […]