Hello, global warming skeptics?
It’s funny how almost every time I get an email from someone who’s calling me “Chicken Little”, or trying to convince me that global warming is just natural processes, they almost always send me a link to Myron Ebell. Vanity Fair this month has an article by Michael Schnayerson that does a great exposé on Ebell and his company.
Schnayerson lets Ebell and a whole variety of scientists debate through his article, and the more you read, the more he sounds like a liar. It’s good stuff like this:
In 50 years, Ebell says, if global warming has really become the problem alarmists say it will be, the technology to deal with it then will be 50 years better than it is now. So let’s wait until then, and tackle it more intelligently, more efficiently—more cheaply—than we can today.
To Harvard’s Paul Epstein, that’s the skeptics’ most reprehensible claim. “Not only have the skeptics and the administration been misleading us about the science but about the economic consequences of trying to deal with this problem,” he says. “They’ve maintained this big lie that we’re going to lose if we deal with this now. In truth, Detroit is losing heavily because we’re not dealing with this now. We’re losing by not moving toward green buildings and hybrid cars and co-generation. Companies that are doing this are saving money.”
Worth the read.