WordPress database error: [Table 'cognitoy_com_blog.wp_comments' doesn't exist]
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_approved='spam' AND comment_author_IP=''

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Global Warming Can Be Fun

Saving the planet one game at a time.

Other things (besides the planet) are heating up

I’ve been insanely busy lately. Still making some money consulting, but also doing a ton of work on the game.

I don’t think I’ve even blogged about it…but I rebooted the project a few months back. The game as planned was going to be a downloaded game that players would buy, install and play. The game would take 1-2 hours to play.

As the game market and the political market have been changing, I’ve realized that an approach like that (direct sales to consumers of an installable game) was probably doomed to fail.

Consequently, I changed course. The new version of the game is played in a browser, for free (at least free to the player) and takes 5 minutes to play 50 years of the climate. It feels fast…and it is. But I hope that people will remember that feeling as one of the takeaways.

The game will be shown publicly for the first time next week at the Games For Change festival in NYC! I’m excited and nervous. And I have a lot of work still to do (with help from others who are also working on it).

I also had a great conversation with someone from environmental defense, which seems to be a combination of think tank and political organization. I really liked this post on their blog. I hope we can find ways to work together

Finally, Kim and I had a delightful conversation with Sophie Metge and her husband Nicolas. She writes a mostly-French-language blog on how Americans are dealing with global warming. She was kind enough to blog it in English.

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SELECT * FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_post_ID = '58' AND comment_approved = '1' ORDER BY comment_date

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