Games For Change festival, NYC
I’m sitting here in New York City waiting for the start of the Games For Change festival. Looks like there are going to be a couple of hundred people here to talk about serious games for social change.
I was up until far too late putting some additional polish on Melting Point. Today is the first time anyone outside of Friends and Family has seen it.
It’s looking pretty good — a couple of people who saw it casually commented that it looks great. I just wish it was closer to being truly finished. We’ve only had it with anything resembling gameplay since last week, and I haven’t had any time all weekend to work on it (more on that later). I had been having trouble with game balance and finally, last night on the way down on the train, I found a massive bug in the scoring totals that was screwing everything up. Fixed that and things look a lot better — but now I have to go back and rebalance things. I think I’m closer now — at least it appears to work reasonably close to “right” for some common cases.
I’ll probably blog the talks I find inspiring…but I also still have some work to do before the Expo starts this afternoon!