WordPress database error: [Table 'cognitoy_com_blog.wp_comments' doesn't exist]
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_approved='spam' AND comment_author_IP=''

WordPress database error: [Table 'cognitoy_com_blog.wp_comments' doesn't exist]
select a.ID as ID, max(b.comment_date_gmt) as LastCommentTime from wp_posts a inner join wp_comments b on a.ID = b.comment_post_id where (a.comment_status = 'open' or a.ping_status = 'open') and b.comment_approved='1' and a.ID >= 34 and a.ID <= 46 group by a.ID

Global Warming Can Be Fun

Saving the planet one game at a time.

Archive for the 'Climate change' Category

Finally, some real competition

Damn, Skippy. This post was a double surprise.
First, I hadn’t seen the news about the BBC game about global warming yet. It’s better than I thought it would be at first glance, but it’s also kind of predictable, and I found the gameplay to be fairly stilted. Although it seemed like they had the elements […]

Can we PLEASE stop saying there’s a “debate” now?

The IPCC report on climate change has been released, and it’s absolutely clear. Even the professional scientists who typically couch their words in lots of conditionals were as blunt as they ever get:

“The public should not sit back and say ‘There’s nothing we can do’,” said Achim Steiner, the executive director of the U.N. […]

Tick, tick, tick

According to their website:

The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (BAS) is moving the minute hand of the Doomsday Clock on January 17, 2007, from 7 to 5 minutes to midnight.
BAS announced the Clock change at an unprecedented joint news conference at the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, DC, and the Royal […]

But it’s still the same old gas

Today’s news:

Exxon Cutting Ties to Global Warming Skeptics
Oil Giant to Join in Talks on Greenhouse Gas Rules
Jan. 12, 2007 — Oil major Exxon Mobil Corp. is engaging in industry talks on possible U.S. greenhouse gas emissions regulations, a move experts said could indicate a change in stance from the long-time foe of limits […]

Sweden goes alternative

Wow. This is impressive.
Sweden has a national plan to free itself from fossil fuels entirely by 2020. What will be particularly interesting is whether they can succeed without building additional nuclear plants, which is their stated intention.
Contrast this with our current “policy” in America:
Department of Energy (DOE) assistant secretary for energy efficiency and renewable energy […]

It’s a hot time in the old town tonight…

Well, this is depressing news.
2006 was the hottest year on record. Or maybe the second hottest, depending on how you massage the data.
The last 9 years were all in the top 25.
When viewed by state, New Jersey had its hottest year ever. Another six states had their second hottest year ever. No state ranked below […]

O Poor Exxon — Carbon Limit!

That title is an anagram of the phrase “ExxonMobil Corporation”. Today, the Union of Concerned Scientists released a remarkably detailed document that says:

In an effort to deceive the public about the reality of global warming, ExxonMobil has underwritten the most sophisticated and most successful disinformation campaign since the tobacco industry misled the public about the […]

What’s your New Year’s resolution?

I took this in Vermont over the holidays. Obviously, those aren’t real flowers. There was even a dusting of snow on the ground. But this is a place where I’m used to inches of snow at this time of year, if not feet of it, or at least enough ice to skate on. This year, […]

SCOTOS will consider global warming issues today

It’s been bouncing around news and the net this weekthat the Supreme Court will be hearing arguments in Massachusetts v. EPA today. This is an important case, but I’m not at all sure it’ll be resolved in any way that will actually prove useful in the fight against human-caused climate change.
The history of the case […]

Climate conference, Ross Gelbspan

He won pulitzer prize, wrote a book called The Heat is On, then another called Boiling Point. One of the top science books of 2004.

He runs theheatisonline.org.

Years ago this conf could have been held in a phone booth.
I’m renaming the talk: “Straddling between solutions and survivalism”
I’m not going to talk about disasters. But […]