WordPress database error: [Table 'cognitoy_com_blog.wp_comments' doesn't exist]
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_approved='spam' AND comment_author_IP=''

WordPress database error: [Table 'cognitoy_com_blog.wp_comments' doesn't exist]
select a.ID as ID, max(b.comment_date_gmt) as LastCommentTime from wp_posts a inner join wp_comments b on a.ID = b.comment_post_id where (a.comment_status = 'open' or a.ping_status = 'open') and b.comment_approved='1' and a.ID >= 19 and a.ID <= 19 group by a.ID

Global Warming Can Be Fun

Saving the planet one game at a time.

Archive for the 'Python' Category

Python keeps surprising me

So one of the things that’s always bugged me about Python and other languages with ‘foreach’ sorts of iteration are those times when you iterate over a list and need to do something that requires an index, or that requires you to iterate it back-to-front, or that requires you to iterate multiple lists simultaneously.I used […]