For Immediate Release, 1/23/2000

MindRover(TM) Free Downloads!

Acton, MA CogniToy(TM) announced today that they have released the first two free component add-on packs for MindRover: The Europa Project, and are asking for input on designing a new scenario. As they become available, additional components and scenarios can be downloaded from the CogniToy website.

MindRover is a game in which players program robotic vehicles to compete in a variety of challenges. The player starts with a chassis, then adds components (such as radar, weapons, thrusters), then wires the components together to give the vehicle intelligence. The programming does not require any knowledge of programming languages or engineering.

The challenges as well the components and the vehicles are all written in CogniToy's proprietary ICE programming language, which makes it is very easy for the company to add new components and scenarios. CogniToy plans on releasing the ICE Development Kit to open up new component and scenario development to those who are interested.

"Two weeks ago we released a set of more advanced logical components that you can use while programming your vehicle to make some functions easier", explained Kent Quirk, Game Architect. "Last week we released a set of Health Sensors and Health Packs. These can be used by vehicles to determine how much health it has left and to activate healing. Our goal is to release a new object every week." Two of the forums at the CogniToy Player's Forums are devoted to new component and scenario ideas.

"This week we have agreed to let the readers of design a new scenario," stated Kim Quirk, CEO. "We'll give them a week to work on the idea, then we'll implement it next week and make it available for download." To run the new scenario or any of the add-ons you need the full version of the game.

MindRover can be purchased directly from CogniToy at the MindRover website, In addition, the site hosts discussion forums, news, downloads and links to fan sites. There is also a demo that can be downloaded to try out the game before buying it.

Headquartered in Acton, Massachusetts, CogniToy is a privately funded developer and publisher of computer games that engage the brain as well as the hands. The company motto is "Intelligent Toys for Intelligent Minds." MindRover was one of 15 finalists in the 1999 Independent Games Festival.