For Immediate Release, 10/10/2000


MindRover(tm) in Stores this Holiday Season

Acton, MA -- October 10, 2000 -- CogniToy's acclaimed robot simulation/strategy game, "MindRover: The Europa Project", will be available in retail stores in the US in time for the holidays this year. CogniToy recently signed a contract with Tri Synergy Inc. to help with the distribution into retail. Electronics Boutique and Babbages are among the stores that will carry MindRover.

"We are very excited to be able to bring MindRover to a wider audience", stated Kim Quirk, CEO. "MindRover reviews have been tremendous, and online sales have been good, but we believe we can reach a much wider audience through retail distribution."

MindRover is a unique strategy game where you create and compete robotic vehicles in a 3D world. There are races, puzzles, sports and the traditional battling robots scenarios. Players wire up the rovers to give them intelligence and then let them go.

Today MindRover is only sold from the CogniToy website, (online site), Chips&Bits, and Mondotronics. In preparation for the retail version, CogniToy has just released version 1.07 upgrade and a free downloadable demo v1.07. This version includes some half-built vehicles and a new tutorial level to help new players get started. It comes with multiple opponents. As with the earlier versions players can exchange vehicles with their friends for even more interesting competitive play.

Version 1.07 also has a Direct3D option which means it will run on many more systems then the original version. CogniToy is encouraging people to try the demo again if they had problems with an earlier version.

Tri Synergy, Inc., founded in Dallas, TX in July 1996, offers turnkey publishing, distribution, production, fulfillment, sales and marketing for North America. Tri Synergy offers an alternative to traditional affiliate label and licensing programs direct to the development community. For more information visit:

CogniToy was founded in 1997. It is a privately financed independent developer and publisher of computer games. "MindRover:The Europa Project" is their first product, currently available on Win95/98/NT and soon to be released for Linux. For more information visit: