It’s getting harder to win this game
is depressing.
NASA says that we’re now “reaching and passing through” the warmest climate the earth has seen in 12,000 years, and that we’re now within about one degree C of the warmest the earth has been in a million years. James Hansen (who has a tendency to say things the current administration would wish he hadn’t said) suggests that the critical temperature, beyond which we are likely to suffer irreparable change to the Earth’s ecosystems, is only about 1 degree C above the current temperature. I was hoping it would be closer to 2-3 degrees.
The point of my game is that you’re supposed to try to control policy so as to keep global warming below the critical temperature. If the critical temperature is only a degree away, I think it’s going to be very hard to prevent without also causing significant economic disruption.
On the good side, I love the images at that link. I hope to be able to get Melting Point to produce images of that quality.