WordPress database error: [Table 'cognitoy_com_blog.wp_comments' doesn't exist]
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_approved='spam' AND comment_author_IP=''

WordPress database error: [Table 'cognitoy_com_blog.wp_comments' doesn't exist]
select a.ID as ID, max(b.comment_date_gmt) as LastCommentTime from wp_posts a inner join wp_comments b on a.ID = b.comment_post_id where (a.comment_status = 'open' or a.ping_status = 'open') and b.comment_approved='1' and a.ID >= 48 and a.ID <= 58 group by a.ID

Global Warming Can Be Fun

Saving the planet one game at a time.

Archive for the 'Climate change' Category

Other things (besides the planet) are heating up

I’ve been insanely busy lately. Still making some money consulting, but also doing a ton of work on the game.
I don’t think I’ve even blogged about it…but I rebooted the project a few months back. The game as planned was going to be a downloaded game that players would buy, install and play. The game […]

…and they say we can’t afford mitigation

According to The Boston Globe, $456 Billion that has so far been spent on the war in Iraq.
With just one-sixth of the US money targeted for the Iraq war, you could convert all cars in America to run on ethanol.
TheBudgetGraph.com estimates that converting the 136,568,083 registered cars in the United States to ethanol (conversion […]

Words worth remembering

My son was researching a speech by President Eisenhower, and because of problems with his computer asked me to print it for him. I was just reading it and found this. It’s not exactly about global warming, but it’s so appropriate to modern times that I have to post it (emphasis mine):
…for me to say […]

Hello, global warming skeptics?

It’s funny how almost every time I get an email from someone who’s calling me “Chicken Little”, or trying to convince me that global warming is just natural processes, they almost always send me a link to Myron Ebell. Vanity Fair this month has an article by Michael Schnayerson that does a great exposé on […]

I’m not this far gone

Colin McEnroe is giving up. He’s not even Waiting for Godot, he’s waiting for God. At least today, on an icky, cold, rainy day.
As he points out, when Kurt Vonnegut was interviewed on The Daily Show, he said that “our planet’s immune system is trying to get rid of us and should.”
I’m not there yet. […]

IPCC says it’s here, it’s clear, get used to it

So maybe global warming isn’t gonna be so fun after all.
The latest IPCC report is out, and it ain’t pretty.
Global warming is already affecting a lot of things. We’re already too late to prevent some of the changes. We can ameliorate the problem with action on the generation side, but we’re also going […]

I gotta get me one of these.

That’s the Bikecar. Yes, he’s pedaling…and so are two guys in the back. It would be amusing to commute around the city in one of these. And it beats a Prius. Unless you measure it in miles per gallon of Gatorade.

An important message I need to remember

Mike Stark, who seems to be absolutely fearless about confronting those who would blur the facts in favor of an agenda, has just posted a great narrative about showing up to a speech by Myron Ebell, a well-known shill for the anti-global-warming crowd. He got up to the mike and challenged the guy, not on […]

Opportunity, Synchronicity, Synergy, Energy

After a long spell of work and contemplation, the last two weeks have been a whirlwind of meeting new people and doing interesting things.
Two weeks ago was GDC, which is normally a highlight of my year. This year, though, things were a bit tougher. To keep expenses down, I had scheduled a shorter-than-usual trip this […]