Sweden goes alternative
Wow. This is impressive.
Sweden has a national plan to free itself from fossil fuels entirely by 2020. What will be particularly interesting is whether they can succeed without building additional nuclear plants, which is their stated intention.
Contrast this with our current “policy” in America:
Department of Energy (DOE) assistant secretary for energy efficiency and renewable energy David Garman has acknowledged that President George Bush plans to oppose efforts to include a national renewable energy requirement for utilities in Congress’ broad energy legislation.Noting that 18 states have already implemented renewable portfolio standards (RPS), Reuters said Garman asserted the administration’s belief that states are “best suited to craft [an RPS] that meets their needs.”
Additionally, Reuters reported that Garman testified before the U.S. House of Representatives’ Energy and Air Quality Subcommittee that Congress should include language in its energy bill that allows oil companies to drill in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
Reuters, Feb 15, 2005